Research interests: Computational models of color vision, Image unsupervised enhancement and restoration, HDR imaging, color, vision, digital imaging.
Research description: Alessandro Rizzi is Full Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Milano (Italy), teaching Multimedia, Colorimetry and Film restoration. He is doing research since 1990 in the field of digital imaging with a particular interest on color, visualization, photography, HDR, VR and on the perceptual issues related to digital imaging, interfaces and lighting. He is the head of the MIPS Lab at the Department of Computer Science. He has been one of the founders of the Italian Color Group, Secretary of CIE Division 8, IS&T Fellow and Vice President. In 2015 he received the Davies medal from the Royal Photographic Society. He is co-chair of the IS&T Conference “Color Imaging: Displaying, Processing, Hardcopy and Applications”, Topical Editor for “Applied Color Science” of the Journal of Optical Society of America A, Associate Editor of Journal of Electronic Imaging, member of several program committees of conferences related to color and digital imaging, and author of about 400 scientific works.
Curriculum Vitae: Italian version / English version